Life Settlement Index Recap - June, 2010 Data

The latest Amrita Life Settlement Index results, based on June 2010 data, were released at 10:00 AM EST on July 6th. The results showed a moderate, 14.3% decline from May’s index level of 536.6 points. The 76.7 point decline to 460 was based on mixed activity and sentiment among survey respondents.

The life settlement provider surveys, which are the basis of the index, showed both bearish and bullish indicators across most questions. Responses to life settlement volume queries varied widely among participating providers. Data relating to case submissions, bids and closings gave mixed signals about the secondary market’s overall direction. Respondents also exhibited diverse perspectives relating to forward looking sentiment about the broader life settlement market.

After two months of sharp gains, the life settlement industry appears to have been buoyed by inconsistent purchasing capacities among participants. The diverse survey responses and broad activity levels suggest an uneven recovery among life settlement funding sources and providers.